O’Higgins and Cobresal tied without goals

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O’Higgins and Cobresal Play ‍to a Goalless Draw

O’Higgins and Cobresal failed to break the​ deadlock ​in⁢ their match on Saturday at ⁣the El Teniente stadium. Both teams ​struggled to find ⁢the back⁤ of the net in a game that lacked goals.

O’Higgins Dominates Possession but Fails to Convert

Despite enjoying 59%‌ of ‌the ball possession, O’Higgins couldn’t capitalize on their dominance.‌ They ​were unable to score against Cobresal and missed out​ on securing three crucial points.

Bryan Rabello Shines for O’Higgins

Bryan Rabello emerged as the⁢ standout ⁣player‍ of the match. The O’Higgins‌ midfielder showcased his skills by completing‍ 54 accurate passes ​and‌ taking two shots on‍ goal.

Leonardo Valencia’s Impact ‍for Cobresal

Leonardo⁤ Valencia‍ was a key player for Cobresal at the ⁣El Teniente stadium. The striker attempted three shots‌ on goal against O’Higgins and successfully completed 26 passes.

A Game ‌Marred ​by Fouls and Interruptions

The match was characterized by a​ high number of fouls and frequent stoppages. Several⁤ players, including Franco García, Camilo Moya, Facundo Castro, Cristopher Mesías, and Diego Fernández, received reprimands from the referee.

Tactical Lineups‍ and Formations

O’Higgins, ‌under ⁣the guidance of ‌coach⁣ Juan Manuel Azconzábal, deployed​ a 4-4-2 formation. Ignacio González guarded the goal, supported by Diego González, Moises González, Brian Torrealba, and Antonio Díaz in defense.⁣ Valentín Larralde, Facundo Castro, Camilo Moya, and Bryan ‌Rabello formed the midfield, while Brian Blando and Arnaldo Castillo led the attack.

On‌ the ​other hand, Cobresal, led by Gustavo Huerta, opted for a 4-4-2 strategy. Alejandro ⁣Santander was the goalkeeper,⁣ shielded by Cristian Toro, Guillermo Pacheco, Diego Céspedes, and Marcelo Filla in defense.​ Alejandro Camargo, Cristopher​ Mesías, Franco‍ García, and César Munder⁣ controlled the midfield, while Leonardo Valencia and Gastón⁢ Lezcano ⁢spearheaded the attack.

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Diego Flores Seguel‍ Officiates the Match

The referee assigned to oversee the ⁣game was Diego Flores ‌Seguel.

Upcoming Fixtures for O’Higgins and Cobresal

O’Higgins ‌will face Everton in their next match, while Cobresal will ​host Universidad ⁣de Chile at the El Cobre stadium.

Table Standings

O’Higgins currently sits in thirteenth place with 32 points, while‍ Cobresal leads the tournament ‍with 53 points.

The article “O’Higgins and Cobresal tied ⁣without goals” was first ⁢published in [Newspaper Name].

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