Yoga for Love Handles: Banish Belly Fat and Strengthen Abs with This Simple Pose

Practicing yoga is very good for the body. Discover this position that eliminates love handles and strengthens the abdominal strap

As summer approaches, many people begin to miss their love handles. But rest assured, it is possible to eliminate them with this yoga posture!

Good resolutions before summer

It’s never too late to get some! As summer approaches, many people are tempted to get back into sport to prepare for their “body summer”.

For this, it is necessary to pay attention to your diet! Reduce your consumption of sugary drinks and already prepared meals. Then, try a sporting activity that you enjoy to lose calories.

Jumping rope, fitness, brisk walking, running, weight training, swimming… You are spoiled for choice. Know that there is a program that few people think about… And yet which makes you lose your love handles !

It then comes to yoga. Eh yes ! This activity not only soothes morale! It also helps strengthen the abdominal strap and eliminate love handles.

And this, thanks to a particular posture which helps you find a flat stomach and even abs. This is then the board. If you maintain a good position, then this works on muscle strengthening.

The plank is very easy to do… and it has several benefits. First, it helps to remove love handles. Then, it reduces abdominal tension, and is good for morale.

To do it properly, you have to get on all fours on your mat. Make sure to position your feet in the same axis as your hips. As for the hands, they must follow the positioning of the shoulders.

How to get rid of love handles?

To get into a plank, you must stretch your legs backwards one after the other. To help yourself a little, support yourself on your toes. Attention ! The body must be straight! You must not arch your back, otherwise you risk injuring yourself.

To lose the love handles, you have to contract everything: the buttocks, the perineum, the abs. Make sure you have an upright posture. Then hold the position for 15 seconds.

A time to increase little by little, as you repeat. The other exercise to lose love handles consists of leaning on your elbows.

Ideal for strengthening muscles such as those of the shoulders and teenagers. Or even the glutes. According to our colleagues at Marie-France, this also helps to work on back flexibility.

Our colleagues therefore recommend “ lie on the mat with your stomach on the floor, placing your arms on each side of your body. And after bringing your heels to the level of your buttocks by bending your knees, simply grab your ankles. »

Then raise your head and lean backwards as much as possible without forcing the movement too much.. » This posture will therefore help you lose the love handles.

After yoga, you can also do cardio to lose as many calories as possible. This type of effort also helps you lose weight. For example, you can walk for 30 minutes on a sloping treadmill.

Or run regularly, while taking care to drink water between breaks. One thing is certain, sport will be your best ally which will allow you to have the dream body you have always dreamed of.

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