United Nations Proclaims May 25 as World Football Day: Celebrating the Global Reach of Soccer

by 247sports
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Posted: 6:45pm 08/05/2024

With the unanimous approval of the United Nations General Assembly, fans around the world have a common celebration of World Football Day (May 25). The picture shows Dortmund fans celebrating the team’s victory in the Champions League final. (AFP photo)

(United States, 8th) The United Nations General Assembly announced that May 25 will be designated as World Football Day. Football fans around the world will have a day to celebrate this most popular sport in the world.

The United Nations General Assembly unanimously passed the resolution yesterday to designate May 25th every year as World Football Day. During the Summer Olympics held in Paris on May 25, 1924, for the first time, 100 representatives from all regions participated. Anniversary.

After Francis, President of the United Nations General Assembly, passed the resolution by consensus during the meeting, he banged the gavel on the spot, causing as many as 160 country representatives present to applaud and cheer.

Taher El-Soni, Libya’s ambassador to the United Nations who proposed the resolution, said, “Football or soccer projects should be paid attention to and carried out globally.”

The United Nations General Assembly designated May 25 as World Football Day, giving football fans from all over the world a day to celebrate the most popular sport in the world. (AP Photo) Football crosses national and cultural barriers

“Football is not only a recreational and competitive sport for people of all ages in streets, villages, schools and courtyards, it has an ‘unparalleled status’ in the world of sports. Football is a universal language that spans national, cultural and socio-economic barriers.”

He said football has become a “key platform” to advocate for gender equality and social inclusion, “a common ground where people from different backgrounds come together to promote mutual understanding, tolerance, respect and solidarity.”

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Football has a profound impact on the world

The resolution also recognizes “football’s global influence and its influence in various fields including commerce, peace and diplomacy, and creates opportunities for cooperation and the “fundamental role” of FIFA and regional and national football federations and related associations in promoting The important role of football.

The resolution encourages all countries to adopt policies to promote and support football and other sports as tools for peace, development and the empowerment of women and girls.

The resolution calls on all countries, United Nations agencies, international organizations, academia, civil society and the private sector to observe World Football Day in accordance with national priorities and to promote the benefits and awareness of football among the public through educational means.



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