UAZ Dentistry Students Participate in Healing Emotions Yoga Class for Public Health and Clinical Theory

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ZACATECAS. Students of the Academic Unit of Dentistry (UAO) of the Autonomous University of Zacatecas (UAZ), from the 9th semester of UDI Public Health and Clinical Theory, participated in the Yoga Class “Healing your Emotions”, taught by the academic university Silvia Isela Zapata Alvarado, under the coordination of research teachers Celia Elizabeth Luna Pacheco and Iovanna Toscano García.

This activity took place in the soccer field of that unit. The technique used for this practice consists of partner yoga. The goal is for students to use their bodies as a tool to connect with the person in front of them, something that requires more work on a daily basis.

“Healing your Emotions” allows us to develop the power of gratitude, non-verbal communication, empathy, solidarity, mutual support, patience, and letting go of control. All of the above, as the yogis say, “without expectations and let yourself flow.”

The event was very rich and fun where the attendees participated actively and with great enthusiasm, promoting friendship and cooperation.

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