SN-Citec: the president of ALT salutes the resilience of the company

The President of the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT), Dr Ousmane Bougouma, visited, Monday April 29, 2024, the facilities of the New Oil and Soap Company (SN-Citec) in Bobo-Dioulasso.

The New Oil and Soap Factory (SN-Citec) received a visit from a distinguished guest. This is the president of the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT), Dr.
Ousmane Bougouma. Accompanied by parliamentarians, Dr Bougouma visited the SN-Citec installations in Bobo-Dioulasso, this Monday, April 29, 2024. At a run, the president of the ALT toured the industrial installations of the oil mill and soap factory of SN-Citec.

From the oil packaging workshop to the soapmaking workshop, the head of the Parliament of the Transition was able to immerse himself in the processes of manufacturing oil, soap and co-products (livestock feed and cakes). cotton and soy). The water treatment plant and the quality control laboratory were also visited by Mr. Bougouma. At the end of the visit, he said he was satisfied with what he had observed. “We saw a dynamic team made up exclusively of Burkinabè people who work night and day to transform local products and make quality products available to the consumer,” he said.

Despite the difficulties, underlined Dr Bougouma, SN-Citec always manages to put quality products on the market. SN-Citec is an industrial unit which is barely operating at 40% of its production capacity which, despite everything, generates profits, he indicated. This is why Dr Bougouma praised the resilience of the oldest Burkinabe industry which has stood the test of time since its creation in 1941.

Dr Ousmane Bougouma said he recognized the merit of the pioneers who have since kept the torch lit despite storms of all kinds coming from all sides. “I salute the self-sacrifice of the work of our predecessors who bequeathed us a flagship of Burkinabe industry and the expertise of all the workers,” he added.

A call to continue in resilience

Furthermore, he encouraged staff to remain in this dynamic in accordance with the vision of the Transition authorities: endogenous development through the promotion of national industry. For him, this company participates in endogenous development because the raw materials are mainly produced in Burkina Faso and all Burkinabe production is aimed at Burkinabe consumers. His conviction is that if this production unit is properly supported by the Burkinabè State, it can also transform substantially.

This is why it is important to support this industrial unit so that it can grow further for the happiness of consumers and for the development of the Burkinabe economy. The Director General of SN-Citec, Ibrahim Traoré, welcomed the visit of the president of the ALT, who, he said, is an “excellent” source of motivation. According to him, it also constitutes a call to continue with resilience. SN-Citec, said Mr. Traoré, is a model of public-private partnership and a commercial economic model for the benefit of all stakeholders concerned by the company (shareholders, staff and the State).

However, the company is experiencing some difficulties, the main difficulty of which is linked to the mobilization of raw materials (cotton and soybean seeds). “We are encountering enormous difficulties in having the quantities capable of covering the installed capacities of the company which are of the order of 120,000 tonnes of oilseed materials for 122,500,000 liters of oil per campaign with the possibility of working for 11 months out of 12,” he explained.

Unfortunately, lamented Ibrahim Traoré, in recent years, the industrial unit has worked on average three months out of 11 possible. This demonstrates the difficulty that SN-Citec encounters in mobilizing raw materials in order to make its contribution to achieving food security. He hoped that the ALT could grant the government all the legislative means capable of working to organize all the sectors in Burkina Faso.

Boudayinga J-M THIENON

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