Management of the Transition: the Islamic League of Faso reiterates its support

The President of the Transition, Head of State, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE granted, this Friday, an audience to a delegation from the Islamic League of Faso which brings together Imams, preachers and religious leaders.

Exchanges between the Head of State and the Islamic League of Faso revolved around the culture of solidarity within the population and social cohesion. “We came on behalf of all the Imams of Faso to express our solidarity with the Transition and continue to pray for the country and preach for peace and social cohesion,” declared Imam Amadou SANOGO, the head of the delegation. .

The delegation also assured of the continuation of their actions for the return of peace. “The weapon of the Imams is prayer. So we will continue to pray for the country,” recalled Imam Amadou SANOGO.

He also congratulated the President of the Transition for the actions already carried out in the fight against terrorism. “We salute the courage of the authorities and we pray a lot for the fighting forces who are on the front. Our hearts go out to them and we support them with prayer,” he concluded.

Communications Directorate of the Presidency of Faso

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