Luka Modric talks about his situation at Real Madrid and future plans in an exclusive interview with Sportske Novosti

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Luka Modric Opens Up About His Situation at Real Madrid

In an exclusive interview with Sportske Novosti, Luka Modric, the renowned midfielder from Real Madrid, discussed his current position within the team. Modric expressed his feelings about not playing regularly, stating, “Nobody is happy when they don’t play. After my entire career, that feeling is especially strange to me. But hey, the coach decided for his own reasons. I won’t let it affect me or waver my determination.”

This is how Real Madrid announces the renewal of Modric

Modric also revealed the details leading up to his contract renewal with the club, saying, “They wanted me to stay, and I had the same desire. My only condition was to be treated as a competitive player and not solely based on past merits. They assured me that nothing would change in my status, and that’s why I signed.”

“They told me that nothing would change in my status, and that’s why I signed.”


Competition in Madrid’s Midfield

The Ballon d’Or winner is facing tough competition in the midfield this season, with the arrival of Bellingham adding to the already talented roster. Modric acknowledged the challenge, stating, “I am aware that we have a lot of competition in midfield. These youngsters are top-level players, which is why they are at Madrid. The more experienced players must guide them and help them grow into their roles. My goal is to work hard and shine this season.”

If things don’t go according to his wishes, Modric is open to considering his future. He said, “We will see how things develop. If it turns out that I am no longer important, then I will contemplate my options.” Despite receiving other offers, Modric’s loyalty lies with Real Madrid, as he emphasized, “Other interests came to me, but my goal has always been Real Madrid.”

“Other interests came to me, but my goal has always been Real Madrid.”


The Departure of Players and Modric’s Future

Modric also expressed his nostalgia for former teammates who have left Madrid, including Karim Benzema and Casemiro. He stated, “Of course, I miss them because we spent many years together. I feel the same sentiment with each game played by my colleagues and friends, such as Sergio Ramos, Marcelo, Cristiano Ronaldo, and others.”

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Kroos, Casemiro, and Modric.GETTY IMAGES

Looking towards the future, Modric intends to savor every moment as a footballer. He stated, “At my age, I don’t need to worry about time. I want to live life to the fullest. It’s not easy to adapt to a new reality after dedicating your entire life to football.”

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