Johor Regent Tunku Ismail and Kedah Menteri Besar Sanusi Turn Enemies into Friends at Conference of Malay Rulers

by 247sports
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Posted: 11:34am 22/02/2024

Tunku Ismail (right) and Sanusi took a group photo during the Conference of Malay Rulers recently. (Video screenshot)

(Petaling Jaya News on the 22nd) Turning hostility into friendship? The Johor Regent Tunku Ismail and the Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Sanusi Sanusi, who used to compete with each other in the football field, now seem to have “turned enemies into friends.”

In the field of Chinese football, the matches between the domestic football hegemons Johor Darul Dag Club (JDT) and Kedah Daru Aman Football Club (KDA FC) often present a very fierce competitive scene for local fans. .

Although the lineup of the “Southern Tigers” can be said to be better, whenever they face Kedah Daru Aman Football Club, the two sides will always fall into fierce confrontation, and this atmosphere also makes the representative of the two teams-JDT proprietor Tunku Ismail and Kedah Football Association (KFA) president Sanusi are always sarcastic and fighting each other on social media.

Fans have recently begun to feel that Tunku Ismail and Sanusi seem to have forgotten their past disputes with each other, as they both showed professional attitudes at an event jointly held at the National Palace in Kuala Lumpur on the 21st.

A short video uploaded by TikTok user @helmikhalid7 recently showed that Sanusi first asked for Tunku Ismail’s permission to take a group photo and then communicated with him.


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This video undoubtedly makes fans full of expectations for the future development of domestic football, because Tunku Ismail and Sanusi, who were once enemies, can put aside their hostility towards each other in public.

Tunku Ismail (right) and Sanusi, who were once at odds with each other due to their different team affiliations, maintained a professional attitude during the interaction and even joked with each other, creating a pleasant atmosphere. (Video screenshot)

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It is reported that Sanusi was accompanying His Highness the Sultan of Kedah Tuanku Sallehuddin to attend the 265th Conference of Malay Rulers.

In fact, some thought they were no longer hostile, as the two influencers also joked about each other during their interactions.

The animosity between the two is believed to have started in 2021, when the Kedah Minister also held the position of president of the Kedah Football Association, and the differences between them were not significant at that time.

Although they never met face-to-face, their “creative banter” with each other on social media suggested there were issues between them.

However, the conflict between the two seemed to have subsided late last year as Kedah Daru Aman was no longer fully owned by KFA and the club’s management structure was replaced by local entrepreneur Tan Sri Mohd Dab. Later there was a change.


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