FIJLKAM’s First Specialization Course in Teaching Martial Arts for Children Ages 3-5 Concludes Successfully in Leinì

by 247sports
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The first specialization course in the teaching of martial arts and physical activities for children aged 3 to 5 years established by FIJLKAM (Italian Federation of Judo, Wrestling and Martial Arts) ended on 6 April in Leinì .

Organized in collaboration with Educajudo, it saw the participation of Elisa Serra, Technical Teacher of ASD Judo Valle Maira, together with Alessandro Brizio Alessandro, Technician of Judo Mondovì: he was the first in the Province to participate in this project.

We will see him today, Wednesday 22 May. Born in 1984 and from Caraglio, Serra currently lives in Dronero and teaches at ASD Judo Valle Maira since 2007. He started practicing judo at the age of 11 and has been a black belt since 2004.

His love, determination and commitment to always grow, humane and professional. On the course he explained: “It was a high educational and personal development path, enriching my skills that I will share with our Dojo.”

In particular, in Leinì it is a neuro-psychomotor course aimed at providing the theoretical-practical tools to accompany the pre-school child on his path of psychophysical maturation.

Started in January and with 25 speakers from the academic, sports, school and healthcare worlds, the course is structured as follows:

  • (10 hours) online part, asynchronous, accessible 24 hours a day, on a digital platform;
  • (10 lessons) about application;
  • Internship report;
  • (10 hours) full personal immersion;
  • Final exam on April 6.

“Our role is to train but also and above all to educate – as Technical Teacher Serra – to be the support of this delicate stage of evolution, of parents but not only, of the school system and sometimes of the health care system: this course gave me ideas to face this task with more great knowledge.”

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