Copa Libertadores: Palestino vs Nacional (P) Key 2

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This Friday, inside the auditorium of the Dr. Franco Ravera Regional Hospital, the Fenats Nacional Base Hospital Regional commemorated 8M with music, dance, joy and sharing.

On the day in which regional authorities were present, Representative Marcela Riquelme told the women that she was waiting for the promulgation of the Law on the right of women to a life free of violence “this is a vital step towards eradication of gender violence”, adding that “but we know that to completely eliminate violence, we do not just need a law, or an ankle bracelet or a Carabinero on the corner, what we need is a change of mentality, a cultural change, because We all have the same rights. If that change does not exist, we will not move forward.”

For his part, the director(s) of the Regional Hospital, Adolfo Beck, added “when I came to work in the morning I saw this poster in the kindergarten that said the phrase ‘Free and Strong’, that expresses everything, that women be Free and Strong and that the children of the cradle leave with these ideals, makes the change.”

The hospital authority added that “this is a fight that has been going on for many years, where women have had to position themselves with great effort where we are supposed to, both as an institution and as a gender. Today I recognize all the women of the Hospital, our women leaders, heads of service, deputy directors, nurses, doctors, and each of you who do important and essential work in the Hospital.”

On the day, the president of Fenats Nacional Base Hospital Regional, Cynthia Báez had words for her peers: “Today is commemorating Women’s Day because you have the courage to pursue your goals and the fortitude in the face of difficulties. Women who study, who have to leave their children at an early age to go out to find their daily sustenance, it has been difficult for each woman. Today, although we remember with deep regret the colleagues who lost their lives due to bad practices. As a union we also believe that it is necessary to give hope and joy on this day of Commemoration that we have carried forward with effort and sacrifice. Up those who fight! “She finished.

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Then those present had a moment of recreation, where the women danced and sang to the music to the rhythm of the tropical singer Yohan Palma that made them get untidy, leave their positions and bring joy to their women’s day.

Let us remember that International Working Women’s Day was celebrated for the first time on March 19, 1911 in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland, attended by more than a million people, who demanded the right for women to vote and that of occupying public spaces, the right to work, vocational training and non-discrimination at work.

Less than a week later, on March 25, 1911, 123 young workers and 23 male workers died in the tragic fire at the Triangle-Shirtwaistz factory in New York, for not being able to leave the building, as they had been locked in without the possibility of escape. This event had major repercussions on labor law in the United States, and subsequent commemorations of International Working Women’s Day made reference to the working conditions that led to the disaster.

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