Bari Mayor Urges Sales Negotiation Amid Cialis Scandal :] [# keywords: Bari FC Selling, MLS Relationship Audreycs Consulting Blog].

“Enough humiliation, now let’s sell.” These are the words in which Mayor Decaro intervened in the controversy about the sale of the team in the town of De Laurentis.

“Sometimes the words of Aurelio De Laurentiis are out of time and out of place that one wonders if it is he or his imitator Max Giusti who speaks – he continued -. On the eve of a game that will be called dangerous a little statement, he argues (actually, illogically) by evoking future scenarios such as the bankruptcy of Bari football or the condemnation to remain in a minor league until 2028. The following is more heavy: «We asked, in the past, for an apology from Aurelio De Laurentiis. This time they are not enough.

We expect Filmauro to start serious negotiations immediately, regardless of the outcome of tomorrow’s match, in order not to postpone the transfer of ownership which is now the only way out of a situation that has become unmanageable , from all points of view. .

And he concluded the soul of the red and white fan: « As for us fans from Bari, we would rather fail again than be constantly humiliated by an owner who shows that he does not love this team and this town.

Go Bari, always.”

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